Hello friends, welcome to another interesting article, in today's article, we are going to tell you in this article how you can create an Instagram Profile Information Finder Telegram bot. It will be hosted on bots.business. If you want to do it using any other hosting server or any other programming language, then you can also create that very easily.
How To Create Instagram profile viewer Telegram Bot
Here I will provide you an Instagram API with the help of which you can easily fetch the details of Instagram profile.
For example, today I am going to host a telegram bot on bots.business, if you do not know what bots.business is then you can read the post given below.
Read Also: How to Create Bots.Business Account | What Is Bots.Business
If you have read the above post and you know how to host Telegram bot bots.business then follow the steps given below
How To Make Find Instagram user information Telegram Bot
Step: 1
Create Bot On Botfather. Don`t Know How To Create bot on botfather Read Below Article
Read Also: How To Create Telegram Bot in Botfather | Add Custom Logo
Read Also : How To Add Captcha Verification On Telegram Bot | Bots.business
Step: 2
Step: 3
Command: 1
Bot.sendMessage("Details Finding Please Wait Upto 5-10sec....")
url: "https://stone-insta.vercel.app/api/ig/stal?user="+message+"",
success: "/stone"
Command: 2
var stone = JSON.parse(content)
var un = stone.code
if (un=="200") {
var off = stone.code
var frw = stone.data.follower
var frr = stone.data.following
var bio = stone.data.bio
var Name = stone.data.fullname
var pic = stone.data.profilehd
var fo = stone.data.timeline
var pr = stone.data.private
var vr = stone.data.verified
var vd = stone.data.videotimeline
var sd = stone.data.savedmedia
var data =
"*☃️ Instagram Account Info Findednn👤 Fullname*: " + Name +"n*📤 Followers*: " +frw + " n*📥 Following*: " + frr + "n*🖼 Posts*: " + fo + "n*🖲 Private:*: " + pr + "n*✅ Verified:*: " + vr + "n*🎥 IGTV:*: " + vd + "n*💾 Saved:*: " + sd + "n*📌 Profile Photo*: [Click Here](" + pic + ")n*☣️ Bio*: n" + bio + " "
Api.sendPhoto({ photo: pic, caption: data, parse_mode: "markdown" })
} else {
Bot.sendMessage("*No User Found*")