Hello, friends today I am going to tell you that you are like an auto logo maker bot that to bots.business app p. You must have heard many places if you have not heard about bots. Business, then let me tell you this is a web/app which we use for hosting Telegram bot. Meaning that the file that we do for it is hosted on bots.business.
Telegram Logo Maker bot is an auto logo-making bot. This means you simply will make its logo ready for you by designing selected by its violence.
Today I am going to tell about this how you can Telegram Logo Maker Bot.
How To Create Telegram Logo Maker Bot
First of all, if you want to create bots on bots.business and then you can read the article given below.
How To Create Logo Maker Telegram Bot
Here you will get separate code for 11 logos which means you will get 11 logos API separately which you will have to add in bots.business. For example, if you want to generate the Flower logo, then you have to enter the code Flower.
Command 1
Command 2
Bot.sendMessage("*Your Logo Making It Can Take 5-6s*") var key = User.getProperty("apikey") var image = "https://text.prgujju.com/api/10?theme=glue&key="+key+"&text="+message+""
// get your design from visit https://bit.ly/technostone
Api.sendPhoto({ photo: image, caption: "*🔩 Your Logo Genereated\n\n☆ Genereated By : @"+bot.name+"*", parse_mode: "markdown" })
Command 3
User.setProperty("apikey", message, "string") Bot.sendMessage("*✅ Your Api Key* "+message+"")
Command 4
ar token = User.getProperty("apikey") if( token == undefined ){ Bot.sendMessage("❌ APIKEY Not Set setup now /apiupdate") }else{ Bot.sendMessage("*✅ Your Api Token Key* n`"+token+"`") }